Benefits of carpeting stairs

Recently there has been an outburst of people deciding to rip up carpet on their stairs and opt for painted stairs with carpet tiles but there are some downsides to removing your carpet and not replacing with carpet again.

Carpeting your stairs come with a few benefits so it is always worth considering these before you decide to bare your stairs.

1. Aesthetic appeal – you may find when pulling up your stair carpet that the structure underneath isn’t perfect or could have chips or damage. This will be more common in older homes. If you do decide to paint over the overall look may not look very good if the stairs are not in good condition.

2. Noise – without carpet on your stairs you will hear people or pets coming up or down your stairs. The cushioning of underlay and carpet diminishes loud noises from heavy feet.

3. Safety – a fall down carpeted stairs is less likely to cause so many bruises or damage due to the cushioning effect of carpet.